
Flag with signature of general Zaluzhny

December 2023

In the picture, General Valery Zaluzhny, the highest-ranking military officer of Ukraine, places his signature on the flag that we are holding! Today, we are announcing an "auction" to collect funds for evacuation vehicles and other life-saving items, such as blood-stilling tourniquets and medical supplies. This means that you have the opportunity to become the owner of the flag that was signed by a legend, by one of the symbols of the Ukrainian struggle for freedom and democracy. You can participate in the auction by donating funds with the reference "Zaluzhny" to our bank account which you can see in the video or here. Please also indicate your email address or phone number so that we can contact you if you win! The auction will run until the 10th of January, 2024. Whoever donates the highest sum until that date will receive this signed flag as a gift.

Training week in Bamberg for German language teachers from Ukraine

July 2023

In the last week of July 2023, fourteen Ukrainian German teachers came to Bamberg to take part in a training week organized by our association. This was the first trip abroad for some of them; some others have been refugees in various German regions for a long time. As part of the training event, the participants got to see the UNESCO World Heritage city of Bamberg, discussed current regional topics, and gained many insights into the everyday life of a German family, as they were accommodated by host families who took great care of them. Guest speakers also appeared at the daily seminar sessions at the University of Bamberg, including Prof. Alla Paslawska, the chairwoman of the Ukrainian German Association, who spoke to the participants about the current situation of German teaching in Ukraine.

Aid for children with disabilities

May 2023

In this project, we are looking for families in Germany and abroad who would like to get into contact with mothers of disabled children from Ukraine and provide them with a long-term support. The idea for the project came about thanks to the requests of the mothers themselves, since the wartime needs made the resources for helping such families scarce.

Panel event

May 2023

An important panel took place as a part of the European Week of the City of Heidelberg. The theme of the event was “War in Ukraine - Russia’s Attack on Europe”. Throughout the event, we were also able to present an important exhibition on the war of Russia against Ukraine, which was prepared by the Український інститут національної пам'яті (the Ukrainian Institute for National Memory) and translated by our NGO in cooperation with the Pilecki Institute Berlin and the Center for Historical Research Berlin PAW.

Online panel discussion

May 2023

In collaboration with the University of Heidelberg, Bielefeld University, and the University of Bamberg, we once again organized an online panel discussion. This time the topic was “Are we feeding the Russian war machine? How effective are sanctions in preventing russia from obtaining crucial equipment and technology?". The aim of the event was to discuss how well the sanctions work and how they could be expanded and implemented more effectively. It was again a charity event, where we collected donations for hemostatic tourniquets.

Support for refugee pupils from Ukraine

May 2023

Dear friends, we would like to inform you that, in May and June, we will offer advice and support for refugee students from Ukraine in their decisions about a school career in Germany. The consultation appointments will take place in Bamberg in person and online. To register for an appointment, fill out the online form.

Online German course for wounded soldiers

March 2023

Over the winter, we ran an online German course for wounded soldiers from Ukraine who were receiving treatment in Germany. We want to express our gratitude to everyone who supported this project. We want to thank the defenders of Ukraine for holding the skies over Ukraine and Europe. Thank you for everything!


February 2023

February 24, 2023, marked the anniversary of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. We co-organized demonstrations in Mannheim (February 24th) and Heidelberg (February 25th) to commemorate the victims of Russia and to present  future aid plans. Ukraine is fighting not only for its own survival but also for the peaceful coexistence of nations in Europe and for democracy throughout the world.

War and Peace - What do the religious communities say?

February 2023

An interesting panel discussion took place in the Church of St. Bartholomew in Heidelberg. Panel members were: Oksana Lustenhouwer (chairwoman of Freundschaft kennt keine Grenzen), Prof. Dr. Christoph Strohm (ecclesiastical historian, Heidelberg),  Chaplain Arthur Wagner (Military Chaplain, Munich), and Pastor Sigrid Zweygart-Pérez (refugee pastor, Heidelberg). The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Heinemann and Markus Weckesser.

Day of Unity of Ukraine

January 2023

At the time when Russia is brutally killing Ukraine's civilians, we need to stand united more than ever. For this reason, we invited all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine to celebrate with us the DAY OF UNITY OF UKRAINE on January 22nd, 2023.

People write about us

December 2022

Another interview with Oksana Lustenhouwer about the aid for Ukraine and new challenges. We want to thank you for your support and the Hefermann family for their warm welcome.


December 2022

Our protest in collaboration with various activists. The article can be found under the following link.


November 2022

An exhibition about Holodomor organized by „Freundschaft kennt keine Grenzen e.V." in collaboration with the „Deutsch-Ukrainischen Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar e.V." and other activists.

Ukraine through the eyes of children

October 2022

We sincerely thank the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung for the interview with Oksana Lustenhouwer about the needs of Ukraine and especially Ukrainian students, as well as for publishing pictures painted by Ukrainian children. We would like to thank the pupils of the high school in Skole and the secondary school in Holowetsko for helping to shed light on the situation in Ukraine through your eyes and for joining us in asking German friends for their support. And it's not just about laptops for distance learning. Every evacuation bus or hemostatic tourniquet is also from you. Because some benefactors saw your drawings, were interested in them, didn't immediately turn the page, read the interview and decided to help. We thank everyone for your donations for Ukraine.

Science and Charity

September 2022

In collaboration with Heidelberg University, Bielefeld University, and the University of Bamberg, we organized an academic online panel discussion on the topic “DO THE SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA WORK? A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE". The aim of the event was to show how well the sanctions - which are crucial to the further outcome of russia's war against Ukraine and therefore to the future of Ukraine, Europe and the free world - are working. It was also a charity event. We collected donations to support the educational process in Ukraine under wartime conditions. Because today's students are our future!

Summer school for refugee children from Ukraine

August - September 2022

It have been three intensive weeks full of German lessons and full of varied activities. At the small closing ceremony, parents and invited guests were given an insight into the lessons: their children played scenes and dialogues in German to the audience to great applause. But there was also a little melancholy mixed into the cheerful mood: we had gotten to know each other very well during the three weeks and got used to each other - and suddenly it was time to say goodbye ;) We would like to thank our cooperation partners (the University of Bamberg, Freund statt fremd, Carithek) and our sponsors!

People write about us

July 2022

An article about our activities and the “AIM” project in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung. Thank you!

Competition for Ukrainian students

June - August 2022

The occupiers have taken away our peace, our homes, and the lives of our loved ones, but they will never be able to take away the minds of Ukrainian students, their talent, and their desire to bring forth positive change! Let us rebuild Ukraine together and show the world how it can be done!We are announcing a creative competition for Ukrainian schoolchildren on the theme “Let's rebuild Ukraine together”, under the patronage of the charming Ukrainian theater and cinema actress, producer, and social activist Irma Vitovska. More info here.

Summer academy for Ukrainian students

June - August 2022

Every two weeks, Ukrainian students can participate in a series of workshops with the summer academy coordinator, Ms. Petra Avram. During this event, they can travel virtually through Germany, learn interesting facts about sustainability, and, obviously, improve their skills in German language. The schedule of the workshops can be found in the leaflet on the left. What are the requirements? You should be able to speak German at least at the A2 level, have time on Saturday afternoons, and be willing to improve German together with other students. You can find introductory materials here. More information is available on our Facebook page.


May - June 2022

Ukraine has the right to and must participate in the chronicling of Ukraine's modern history. Recently we have spoken with the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance on how to organize an exhibition in Germany about the history and the current Russian war against Ukraine. We also discussed with Professor Igor Kąkolewski the proper translation of names from the time of Kyivan Rus. And now you can already visit the exhibition, which we invite everyone to visit. You can find out more about the project on the Website of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. The exhibition has already taken place in Berlin, Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main.

    Spring Festival

    May 2022

    Our team took part in the organization of the Spring Festival 2022, which was held by the Ukrainian Scout Association “Plast”. Nadia Stetsiv, who who is employed by us as part of the “LEVEL” project, organized a workshop on the topic “My own project” for the members of the scout association. Afterwards, the participants were able to create and present sketches of their own projects on the topic “How can I help Ukraine?”.


    March - April 2022

    In addition to our regular and humanitarian projects, we organized five three-week German language courses for Ukrainian refugees who had to flee to Germany because of the war. Two were held in person and three online. The two in-person courses were offered by our educational NGO in collaboration with the Asylum Working Group Heidelberg association, and with the support of the International Study Center and the Heidelberg School of Education (HSE; a joint institution of the University of Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University of Education). The classes were instructed by Ukrainian and German students from Heidelberg University. You can find out more about this from the report written by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

      Interview with our Chairwoman

      March 2022

      Freundschaft kennt keine Grenzen, in collaboration with other clubs, institutes, doctors and volunteers, is also collecting donations and buying medicines, tourniquets, etc. for Ukraine. We would like to thank everyone who supports our partners and the motherland of many of our members. Here you can find an interview in which one of our chairwomen, Oksana Lustenhouwer, gives valuable tips on how to support Ukraine.

      Learning Ukrainian

      November 2021

      We would like to draw your attention to the project on learning the Ukrainian language by the NGO Bamberg: UA, the script of which was written by the co-initiator of Freundschaft kennt keine Grenzen e.V. Some of our members were also able to contribute their acting talent there. The project was funded by the Eberhardt Schöck Foundation. To go to the project’s website, click here.

      German-Ukrainian Dialogues

      September - October 2021

      Our educational association participated in the organization and script translation for the “German-Ukrainian Dialogues” project. We strongly support Ukraine's historical and scientific cooperation at the international level and are looking forward to future projects in this area. You can find out more about the project on the website of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance.

      First anniversary

      March 2021

      We held our anniversary event exactly one year after we successfully organized the first workshops for German teachers from Ukraine, which are now taking place regularly.

        Exchange of experiences

        February 2021

        A workshop on the topic of “volunteering” for the international graduates of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation scholarship by our chairmen Wolfgang Schubert and Oksana Lustenhouwer. We are happy to share our experiences with implementing projects at the international level.

        Our netiquette

        You may download the teaching materials that you find on our website and use them in your courses as long as the author is retained. You may not use the material provided to you as if you had created it yourself.
        We would be happy to publish the materials you create on our site while respecting copyright. You can read  more about this at the following link
        The materials you have found from us may not be copied and reused on other websites. However, you are welcome to link from our website. All documents can be shared on social networks, used in German lessons, and sent to students with reference to the source.
        ImprintData protection
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